Monday, June 11, 2007

Time Is Running Out

Do you have a purpose driven life or just a driven life? What have you accomplished in the past week or month? Or does time keep on slippin’ into the future with little or no significant progress?

Maybe we should measure time in minutes so we’ll value it more by being mindful that time is finite. Otherwise, as we grow older our hope may become bankrupt. With every passing year our regrets will increase and our remorse will be insufficient to fund what little time remains.

We can’t undo the past any more than we are guaranteed a certain future. Time is running out and we’d do well to make every moment count. To cherish our families and friends more than we do material goods or accomplishments. No one is likely to wish with their last breath that they could work one more day. But many may regret they didn’t spend their time more wisely.

So, since we cannot do everything we might like, we must, as Senior Pastor Les Hughes says, “choose our guilt.”

Perhaps two questions will help. What is your life worth? And if you will later regret what you did and wish you could live that moment again, why not choose now to do what you will never regret?

Want to learn more? Visit to hear a sermon by Senior Pastor Howard Pennington or any of our pastors or guest speakers.

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