Sunday, February 28, 2010

Unlimited Acces

A friend of mine is in the security business. “I can let you in your office from halfway around the world,” he said. “I can also keep you in.”

Ever since 9/11 we in the United States have been subjected to a form of increased security, especially at airports. But what we do is minimal compared to many areas of the world. And it’s probable that no one enjoys unlimited access anymore. Everyone comes under scrutiny. And surveillance is common.

Whether you’re entering a warehouse or the White House, someone is checking IDs and controlling access. But that’s not what God does.

We are free to come before him anytime, 24/7/365. In fact, we’re encouraged to “come boldly.” To barge right in. To interrupt whatever may be going on and demand God’s attention. But it’s where we go that may be the most important point.

We’re to come boldly before the throne of grace. You won’t find God on the judgment seat. He’s sitting on the Mercy Seat. And because he is, we have no need to be afraid. We can ask for whatever we need—wisdom, healing, financial aid, even a bailout—and he will give us what we need.

So what you ask for is not as important as where you ask. And if your prayer isn’t answered, check to see if you’re in the right location. If you’re timid about what you ask for, that may be because you think you don’t deserve a positive response and that led you to the wrong place. If you are where God isn’t, you won’t get the answer he longs to give.

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